Fundraiser Workout
Takes place on 7th October!
Following the interest and support for to purchase a Defibrillator for our CrossFit box, we are hosting a fundraiser to make this a reality.. We know how our lives can change in an instant and how invaluable these are in saving them.
Please make a small donation following the link below, then choose exercises & reps for one of the coaches to do! You can split the reps equally between all 3 of us, or choose who you want to do them.
Choose your exercises & reps from the menu below, then message us on instagram @crossfitcomet to let us know what you want and who you want to do it!

The Workout so far...

Reps & Exercises are not necessarily in order
Total donations: £583
Total donations: £253
Total donations: £271
106 Cal echo bike
9 Strict pull ups
37 Devil press 2x22.5kg
12 DB thruster 2x22.5kg
1 Power clean 70kg
9 Squat clean 70kg
100 Synchro burpees
1 Burpee
6.5 min Flamingo stand
800 Crossovers
7 Triple touches
12 Pistols
10 Double DB OH Lunge
140 DB Bench Press 2x30kg
30 Bar over burpees
3 Legless rope climbs
5 mat length HS walk
10 Double DB Box step up 22.5kg
10 Chest to bar pull ups
33 Dball squats 60kg
9 Mat length Dball carry
3 Squat snatch 50kg
5 Handstand push ups
2 Barbell overhead lunge 40kg
348 Double unders
3 Ring muscle ups
5 Rope climbs 15ft
20 GHD sit ups
5 Cluster Thrusters 70kg
1 min AMRAP: Ski, 1 cal = £1
28 Cal echo bike
8 Strict pull ups
3 Devil press 2x15kg
1 DB Thruster 2x15kg
1 DB box step up 1x15kg
600m Run
100 Synchro burpees
4 Legless rope climbs
10 Bar facing burpees
7 Triple touches
20 Double DB OH Lunge
79 Back squats 57.5kg
20 Dumbbell Bench 2x17.5kg
20 Deadlifts 63kg
10 Chest to bar pull ups
9 Mat length Dball carry 45kg
3 Squat snatch 35kg
1 Squat clean 50kg
2 Barbell overhead lunge 40kg
35 Toes to bar
20 Handstand push ups
5 Rope climbs 15ft
20 GHD sit ups
72 Double unders
3 Ring muscle ups
1 min AMRAP: Bike, 1 cal = £1
28 Cal echo bike
8 Strict pull ups
4 Devil press 2x15kg
2 DB thruster 2x15kg
20 Bar muscle ups
1 mat HS walk
1 DB box step up 1x15kg
100 Synchro burpees
1 Dball clean 40kg
20 Pistols
12 Cal echo bike
10 Double DB OH Lunge
2 Barbell overhead lunge 40kg
1 Legless rope climb
9 Mat length Dball carry 45kg
68 Overhead squats 42.5kg
77 Deadlifts 63kg
3 Squat snatch 35kg
1 Squat clean 50kg
24 Double unders
5 Handstand push ups
4 Shoulder to overhead 35kg
5 Rope climbs 15ft
20 GHD sit ups
3 Ring muscle ups
1 min AMRAP: Echo, 1 cal = £1